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Crystal Reiki Healing

Support for your body’s natural ability to heal.

  • 1 h
  • From 150 US dollars
  • Rock & Rose Mind Body Business Suites

Service Description

Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. It is important to keep the energy moving freely throughout our body for optimal wellness. The focus of this session is to cleanse, clear, and restore balance to the body’s energy system while promoting relaxation to support the body’s natural ability to heal. Energy healing can be received through no touch, or light touch on the feet, shins, knees, hands, forearms, shoulders, forehead, and top of the head. Whatever you prefer is perfect for you. Sound Bath add-on option is available for In-Person sessions, held at the downtown Plainfield location. Note a minimum of a 75 minute session is needed. Distance healings are conducted via Zoom. Questions? Complementary Therapy is a natural, non-invasive modality to help bolster your own ability to heal and should not replace urgent or essential medical treatment.

Cancellation Policy

24 notice for cancellations is required.

Contact Details

  • 15105 South James Street, Plainfield, IL, USA

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